New Hope


Surrogacy in 2024: From Dream to Reality

Embarking on the journey to parenthood through surrogacy is a profound and life-changing decision. Understanding the process, selecting the right clinic, and choosing a surrogate mother can seem overwhelming. But these tips, tricks, and guides can help make your dream…

Intended Parents’ 10 Must-Dos Before Surrogacy

The journey to parenthood through surrogacy can be both exciting and overwhelming. These tips and guides will help intended parents navigate the surrogacy process, ensuring a smooth and successful experience. At NewHopePoints, we are dedicated to providing support and expertise…

How Surrogacy Works: Cost Breakdown

Are you considering surrogacy as a path to parenthood? Navigating this process can be both exciting and overwhelming. One key factor to consider is the surrogate mother’s cost. Understanding the financial aspects is crucial for planning and budgeting your journey…


因为某种生理或病理的原因,不能怀孕?年轻时忙于事业的成功人士,未能为自己的孩子付出时间和爱,以致孩子不太优秀?原配配偶基因不够理想,孩子落后在起跑线?性别取向不如意,面临生育难题?原因多样,结果只有一个:自己一直心存遗憾。想再多要一个或多个孩子,又担心年龄太大,财力虽够但精力或养育经验不够,怕耽误孩子的未来…… 新希望平台可以帮您选配理想的捐卵者或捐精者,由科学家培育和筛选优良胚胎,移植到代母子宫里,从而改良基因,实现生子梦想,弥补您的人生遗憾。 解决了优化基因的生子问题,面临着更大的养育难题,没有教育经验、没有教育资源,怎么让孩子更优秀地健康成长?俗话说:十年树木,百年树人。要培养一个人才绝非易事!新希望平台有与顶级教育资源合作几十年的经验,能够在孩子成长的每个阶段都为其配置世界顶级的咨询和教育资源,让小孩始终在最佳资源及环境下成长,最大限度地保证成才的可能性。 新希望平台为助理您培育出常青藤大学毕业的科学家或企业家,为社会做贡献的同时,也为您的家族锦上添花、让您祖坟冒青烟! 没有做不到,只有想不到。心动不如行动。让我们来帮您梦想成真!

Surrogacy Guide: Insights for Intended Parents

Embarking on the journey to parenthood can be filled with both excitement and challenges. For some individuals or couples, surrogacy offers a pathway to fulfill their dreams of becoming parents. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of…

A Surrogacy Clinic’s Top 10 Questions

Embarking on the journey of surrogacy is a significant decision for any intended parent. It’s a path that involves careful consideration, planning, and finding the right support system to navigate the complexities of the surrogacy process. Selecting the right surrogacy…

New Hope